IT Infrastructure & Help Desk

Sasmak supports our clients’ infrastructure requirements from an an architecture, engineering, operations & maintenance, service desk and help desk perspective, including support to data, voice and video teleconferencing. We assure our client solutions conform to federal and DoD guidelines for functional and security architectures, and design and operate to manufacturer best practices using experienced, certified staff members.

Approach – IT Infrastructure & Help Desk

Sasmak’s uses a variety of system engineering methodologies and vendor-established methods to design and implement IT and telecommunication infrastructures, in each case building-in maintainability and security into the design while aligning with our client’s Enterprise Architecture requirements to promote data exchange. Our management approach applies ITIL v3 best practices to develop a targeted IT Service Management approach applicable to each specific support requirement, in all cases including continual service improvement steps to foster innovation and ongoing process improvement.

We provide both Help Desk services in the traditional form of helping end-users in a reactive mode by responding to phone calls or online inquiries assigned and tracked through an ITSM system. We go beyond a simple Help Desk approach to provide Service Desk support, a more customer-centric focus to provide proactive value and services to end-users, leveraging the advanced features of tools such as Remedy and ServiceNow. Our approach prevents recurring problems via automated solutions, maintains a knowledge base to more quickly address future service requests, and continually identifies new tools and processes to quickly resolve common support issues.

Intellect’s IT Infrastructure & Help Desk Services

Sasmak’s IT Infrastructure & Help Desk Services include:

  • Systems Engineering
  • Network Engineering
  • Information Assurance
  • Voice/Unified Communications
  • Teleconferencing, Enterprise Architecture (EA)
  • Virtualization/VMWare support
  • System architecture compliance analysis and remediation
  • Network and Operating System operations and maintenance
  • Performance Monitoring
  • System Testing
  • Configuration Management
  • Database Administration
  • Systems Administration
  • Service Desk support
  • Help Desk support

Intellect’s IT Infrastructure and Help Desk Experience

Sasmak has supported a wide variety of clients with IT Infrastructure & Help Desk support to include the Air National Guard, the National Archives and Records Administration, the Department of the Navy, the Department of State, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Defense Health Agency.


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