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Create Amazing Business Websites

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Software & Systems Development

Software development has quickly evolved from legacy waterfall approaches to a variety of Agile methods that provide a solid return on investment by more quickly delivering high-quality applications that meet our customers’ needs…

Manpower Studies & Analysis

Intellect has assembled a highly experienced team of experts to support the analysis, justification, mission alignment and validation of manpower and staffing requirements. The outcomes of our studies are highly defensible and readily convert to hiring…

IT Infrastructure & Help Desk

Intellect supports our clients’ infrastructure requirements from an an architecture, engineering, operations & maintenance, service desk and help desk perspective, including support to data, voice and video teleconferencing. We assure our client…

Cyber Security

Today, the Federal Government faces a barrage of attacks every day from internal and external threat actors. With a connected world, it is becoming more common to execute a coordinated cyber-attack from any part of the world through spear phishing…

Program Management

Culture influences how organizational strategy is executed. As our client’s strategies evolve to “do more with less” by leveraging method and technologies such as DevSecOps and Cloud computing, business workflows and organizational cultures must adapt to…

Salesforce Consulting

Intellect provides Salesforce consulting and staffing support, addressing the full range of Salesforce CRM and PaaS solutions from implementation planning to ongoing support. As an experienced IT Professional Services company, we understand…

"Amazing Designs and Quality Work!"

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John Doe
CEO, Acme Inc.

Meet Our Leadership

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Joanne Williams


Fred Buster

Director OPS

Lisa Hoffman​

Director HR

Would you like to start a project with us?

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